Value Investing

Taking a Different Approach

While growth investing focuses on companies that are believed to be in the early stages of considerable earnings growth, I take a value/contrarian investing approach, which concentrates on stocks that are temporarily out of favor and are believed to be undervalued by the market. I look to invest in companies that I believe have sound long-term fundamentals and strong potential for appreciation.

Core Investment Philosophy & Discipline

• Value/contrarian investing
• Think differently from mainstream stock market investor
• Invest in quality stocks that have been discounted relative to their intrinsic value

Dedicated & Accessible Team

• Local presence
• Timely service
• You are known by name

Transparent & Tax-Efficient Portfolios

• Matching gains to losses to mitigate tax implications where possible
• Simple and easy-to-understand pricing

This distinct focus seeks to generate returns in a variety of climates.  I believe bargains exist in almost every cycle.

While most of our accounts are fee-based through advisory services, I also serve clients who prefer to remain transactional through brokerage services.  I pride myself on employing a simple and easy-to-understand fee structure. 

Where I reasonably believe it to be in a client’s best interest,
I recommend:

 Advisory Services

For more details, including costs, please refer to Stifel’s Form ADV Part 2A, Wrap Disclosure Brochure, available on our website at, for detailed information about the fees and expenses that clients incur in connection with Stifel’s investment advisory programs and to Stifel’s Form CRS, available at

 Non-Advisory Products (Brokerage Services)

For more details, including costs, please refer to Stifel’s Relationship Guide at and to Stifel’s Form CRS, available at